Information on increasing the funding of the project

  We are pleased to announce that the Board of the Lodzkie Region decided to increase co-financing from the European Union funds from the European Regional Development Fund under priority…

Request for proposal No. 1: Execution of construction works in the recreation and training center in Inowłódz at ul. Tuwima 41.

  Status: Closed The contract is co-financed from the European Union funds from the European Regional Development Fund under the priority axis VI revitalization and endogenous potential of the region, measures…

Request for proposal No. 1: Execution of construction works in the recreation and training center in Inowłódz at ul. Tuwima 41.

  Status: Voided According to point V.7 of the offer inquiry of 15/09/2018 The Ordering Party reserved the right to void the proceedings at any stage of its duration.  …

Managing the EU project – question about the estimated value of the service

In connection with the commencement of the implementation of the project entitled “ Construction of a leisure and training center including reconstruction and extension of administration and social buildings as…

Information about the project implemented from EU funds

We are pleased to announce that we have obtained funding from the European Union funds from the European Regional Development Fund under Priority Axis VI revitalization and endogenous potential of…

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